Our Lord and our God,
You created us...but not for this.
Though Red Lake walks in the shadow of death, may they know your presence and may they draw close to the Comforter so you too may draw close to them.
Though we as a nation walk with them in the shadow of death, teach us to be present with them in their suffering. Forgive us for trying to give trite and inconsiderate answers for the questions that these tragedies invoke. We are a people who too often live in fear of the questions that cannot be answered, teach us to better live under your sovereignty and not our own.
Though it is presently to near, as our grief wanes, give us this courage: that we will choose to look this evil in the eye, that we will choose to accept its admonishment, and that we choose to change our lives for your glory and the redemption of your people.
Be with the families who lost loved ones to this senseless violence. You are the only God who knows the cross intimately and so the only God who can comfort those who bear their own crosses today. May they know you are there.
Be with Jeff Weise and his family. We are angry with what he has done. But in our anger, Father God, keep us from sin. Keep us from finding scapegoats for our judgments, anger, and bitterness and may they not overcome us with rage. You are the only righteous judge, so teach us to leave the judgment to you alone.
You have created us...but not for this.
For the Lord will not reject forever.
Although he causes grief, he will have compassion
according to the abundance of his steadfast love;
for he does not willingly afflict or grieve anyone.
--Lamentations 3:31-33