Saturday, May 21, 2005

NPR Report on Space Weapons

According to Theresa Hitchens, Vice President of the Center for Defense Information ( was interviewed on NPR's Worldview by Jerome McDonnell and had some very interesting information. First, the Bush Administration is in the middle of revamping our weapons in space program desiring to bring weapons to space before any other country.

There are international treaties that has laid the foundation to set space as common ground and a place for peace. There are also treaties where satellites are not aloud to interfere with any one else's satellites. Yet, according to Hitchens, space has been militarized even though it has not yet been weaponized. But Bush is seeking to weaponize the ultimate "high ground."

For the last 20 years the UN General Assembly has been voting on a treaty to prevent any weapons in space and to keep it for purely peaceful reasons including communications and economic development. In December 2004, 178 countries voted in favor of this treaty and 4 countries abstained. Those 4 countries were the United States, Israel, Palau and Haiti. Palau and Haiti really have no space program to begin with.

Why is the Bush Administration bent on world domination? I don't believe it is about security any longer. If 6,000 years of known history has proved anything, it is that war cannot bring peace.

I am concerned, Mr. Bush, about the amount of money you spend on the military in the name of security, and the amount of violence you have authorized. I am concerned that if we continue down this path, God's judgment will be fierce. I am concerned that America can ever identify with the Prince of Peace because we have known only war, economically, socially and spiritually.

I pray God calls us back, and we listen to his voice.