Friday, July 29, 2005

Toys That Kill

We live in a free society where capitalism is praised for our wealth and consumerism is the opium of the masses. This will not be a plea to change the law of the land, to impose more rules that do little in actually shaping the character of a person or a country. No, this is for Christian parents out there and anyone else with some common sense of dignity. Please, do not buy your children toy guns.

It may be our right to bear arms as Americans. Every good American boy or girl should grow up playing cowboys and Indians. After all the United States began with a genocide of Native peoples; it's in our blood. But we are Christians first. Christians who are suppose to think others more highly than ourselves (even if that in and of itself might be anti-American) and who are suppose to love our enemies.

The problems with toy guns is that they help children pretend and fantasize about a violent world. It's fun and cool to be a marksman with a b.b. gun and to run in the woods pretending to shoot one another. Accept it is a fantasy that continues to indoctrinate our children into a world where we return evil for evil and that fails to love their enemies. I can imagine Jesus having a crisis as a kid pretending to kill a friend when he knowns himself to be the author of life.

Not until Columbine did the seriousness of guns really hit middle class suburban homes. Unfortunately I heard one student who had lived through the massacre and had friends among the 14 dead defending Grand Theft Auto, a game where you randomly shoot anyone you want and receive points for it. Because it is considered virtual reality it is OK because it isn't real.

Or is it? There is a difference in pretending to kill someone and actually killing them. I agree. But life is a process of spiritual formation, violence is a spiritual act, just how are we forming our spirit when we visit all these virtual worlds? As many instances in our recent history has proved, that line between reality and fantasy eventually gets blurred and another person is dead after a bar fight or over a pair of shoes. Maybe it won't be everybody, but isn't just one enough?