Sunday, September 04, 2005


The violence of a storm has produced violence in its chaotic aftermath. It's understandable. But why does the media focus on the violent stories and the shortcomings of rescue workers who have never witnessed anything close to this magnitude? Why are we naturally pulled to the horrible violence of it all as we fail to tell the stories of heroes.

Are there less stories of heroes in this crisis? Does the bad outweigh the good--not in events that have taken place but in the behavior and reaction of people? I don't think so. I believe that there are far more stories of heroism in this crisis than what we have heard.

Its simply easier to find the villains or the victims. The squeaky wheel gets the oil and the louder people get the media. But I have to believe there are heroes who have risked their lives and would make us proud to call them our brothers and sisters.

These are the people who have responded to the violence of the storm with compassion and love and by doing so have calmed the storm for thousands taking the example of the God/Man that once did similar feats of wonder.